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  The level of translation has been accumulating from time to time in translation practice. It is very important to pay more attention to some details. What problems should be avoided in the translation?

  1. Writing standard


  Although it's not impressive, it has a great influence on the teacher's impression of you. Many students will have such a problem: write sentences without spaces behind the English punctuation, which is not standardized. No matter it's the word document or the written translation of the CATTI exam, you should be strict with yourself, which is the minimum paper requirement and common sense.

  2. Translation of numbers


  With regard to the use of numbers, the competent national authorities have made specific provisions, and translation and publishing institutions and some international organizations have their own special provisions. We should have a basic understanding of these.


  The general rule is that for values purely in the field of measurement or statistics, whether Arabic numerals are used in the original text or not, Arabic numerals are generally used in the translation.

  3. Multiple translation


  Many people are not sensitive to multiple problems. Maybe you don't know, but the teacher is very concerned about this point: can we deal with the multiple problem correctly.

  4. Basic grammar


  In the practice of English-Chinese translation, especially for the longer English sentences, the unclear division of sentence structure will lead to the misunderstanding and ultimately the inaccuracy of the translation. The grammar of Chinese-English translation is embodied in sentence structure, tense selection and the use of prepositions / conjunctions.

  5. Translation of common expressions


  There are many common expressions, whether in English-Chinese translation or in Chinese-English translation. These brick expressions need to accumulate a little, and they can only be output after input, so that there will be no low-level errors in the translation process:


  Some of the translation is not turned out, but recited, translation can not build their own car behind closed doors, must first go to query recitation!

  6. Understanding the problem


  When translating Chinese into English, many students make mistakes because they don't understand it properly. In fact, the translation process is not simple CE, but CCE. First, look at Chinese and understand Chinese, figure out what Chinese expresses, and then translate it. No words can be seen.

  7. Spelling problems


  Translation is a serious matter. We must treat it with our heart. Write fewer letters for English words and write more wrong words in Chinese. Such translation will lower your level in the eyes of the marking teacher. We must be careful and careful.


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