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  The quality of translation is very important for enterprises. Finance is an effective way to promote economic development. Therefore, financial translation is very important. What are the skills of financial translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  Financial translation can be divided into literal translation and free translation according to different language forms. Literal translation refers to maintaining the language form of the original sentence, including words, sentence structure, etc., while free translation is to express the meaning of the sentence with more vivid sentences, without changing the meaning of the original text, to translate the sentence, the requirements for the format and sentence structure Can change, Shanghai translation company summed up some financial translation tips, let's have a look around. ,


  In the process of financial translation, first of all, professional mistranslation should be avoided. If the translator just looks up the dictionary and translates with the meaning in the dictionary, it will inevitably lead to mistranslation. At least, they will feel that the translation level is very poor, make jokes, and even lead to very serious economic losses. Therefore, financial translation should not pretend to understand. Secondly, literal translation should be insisted on for specific terms. The style of finance is more formal and unique in financial translation. Therefore, literal translation should be insisted instead of free translation. Finally, we should grasp the meaning of words according to the context. In different contexts, the meaning of some words is different, so we should judge according to the context.


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