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  The important thing of translation is to learn the basic skills well and accumulate experience step by step in practice. What are the skills that Shanghai Zhenyun artificial Translation Co., Ltd. teaches you to accumulate basic skills in translation today?


  First of all, you need to be interested in this linguistics, so that you can listen to the songs of the language you have learned, such as English songs, Japanese songs, French songs, and have an interest in this language in the songs. Now most people are using earphones in their cars. Instead of wasting a long distance to be dazed, it's better to take this opportunity to learn pronunciation, which is more conducive to interest in this language.


  Second, you can find movies in your own language when you have nothing to do at home on weekends, but it's better to find the type you are interested in. With such a plot, you will naturally like the language, and follow the imitation, so that you can accumulate more vocabulary and pronunciation standards. When you hear some interesting and fashionable words or sentences, take notes This is a record. When you are chatting, suddenly you can pop out these new words, which will make people bright.


  The most important thing to learn a language is to create such an atmosphere, just like our mother tongue is not taught to us by our parents, but we can also say a lot, which is the power of the environment, but don't say that we don't have such a language environment, in fact, such an environment is created by ourselves. At home, we usually use all kinds of tools in our daily life You can put on post it notes and write how to read French. No matter where you go, you can review your French.


  Finally, you can try to read some foreign books and novels to see where your level is poor. You can record those words that you don't understand. Then you can find the meaning of these words, so that you can accumulate the effect of words in the context with half the effort.


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